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...And Then Spring Break Happened

I hadn't seen Dillon in a month...and then spring break happened.
Dillon hadn't heard me sing at the top of my lungs during a seven hour car ride...and then spring break happened.
I had no idea that I had $200 in my car from Christmas and my graduation...and then spring break happened.
I had never watched my Wildcats play and WIN in the Sweet 16...and then spring break happened.
I hadn't been to Disneyland since high school...and then spring break happened.
I didn't realize how terrified Dillon was of roller coasters/heights...and then spring break happened.
Dillon and I had never been in an earthquake before...and then spring break happened.
And just for your information, there was an earthquake EVERY. TIME. we tried to get on Soarin' Over California. We were finally able to get on the ride our fourth time trying.

We had never been to an Elite Eight game before (and unfortunately watched our Wildcats lose)...and then spring break happened.
So. Effin'. Close. Then we had to drive five hours home where we were bitter, almost got hit on the freeway within the first twenty minutes of driving, and passed a semi that had caught on fire. So...yeah. Not the best ending to our week but hey, the stuff before that was pretty great.

Despite the fact that I am out of college and no longer have an official spring break, I was so happy that Dillon came home for his. We had such an amazing week together! And guess what...there is only one(!!!!!) more spring break before he graduates! Holla to that!

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  1. Omg, a 7 hour car ride?! That is SO awesome that you found $200 in your car though! You must have been so excited! I love these pictures. Especially the one on the rollercoaster. Wait, like an actual earthquake?! Eeek!

  2. Yay I love this you rock and I'm jealous because I havent been to Disneyland in TOO long!

  3. OMG you went to Disneyland?!! So not fair!! I luuuuurve Disney!!! Also, earthquakes?! What the what?! So scary! I dream about finding hundreds of dollars hiding in places but it hasn't quite happened yet...


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