In the middle of June I wrote this post in which I talked about all the goals I had for summer but had yet to put a dent in. I looked back to see if I had actually accomplished any of them and it turns out I did well at almost all of them!
Goal 1. Read...a lot!
Yay for me! I did really well at this all thanks to that nice vacation in California! I ended up reading about nine books, eight of which were read in less than three and a half weeks! Here is my recap of the books I read this summer, no spoilers, I promise!
Goal 2. Work out consistently
Well, this one is a so-so. My roommate and I got really motivated at one point and we worked out almost every day! Then once I got to California I probably stayed motivated for another twoish weeks. But then it all went downhill and I have yet to get back into it.
Goal 3. Blog Good
I did quite well in the month of August, with a record high of 12 posts for the month! But getting back into it has been a struggle since I have gotten back and started school. Usually the school year helps me get into a routine though, so hopefully you will be hearing more from me!
Goal 4. Learn how to play guitar
This one is a definite success! I wouldn't say I'm amazing or anything, but I know quite a few chords and have quite a few songs under my belt, including Pumped Up Kicks, Radioactive, I Won't Give Up, and We Can't Stop.
Goal 5. Decorate my room
This one is a successish. I actually just organized my bookshelf and desk this last week, and then finally got around to putting up my pictures! Well, some of them...haha. I still have my quote boards and "All You Need is Love" painting that Dillon got me, but I need command strips for them and the Safeway right by me didn't have them. Also an ish because school had started by the time I did these things so I can't technically say it was a summer goal completed.
Overall, not too shabby! Hopefully you all were able to accomplish your summer goals, if you had them!

I love your blog! I'm your newest follower!
Learn to play guitar was also on my summer list...yeah, I didn't do so great with that one. Haha I should pick it up again! Good job on meeting some of your goals!