Hiiiiii. Should I even bother apologizing? Probably not. Apparently that's annoying when bloggers apologize for not blogging for a while. But anyways, hello again! I won't make any excuses because you'll understand why I have been so busy through my next few posts.
So my best friend and cousin is getting married!! They got engaged in December of 2012 and their wedding will be June of 2014, so it's finally coming up soon!!
That's my beautiful cousin holding the champagne. :) This was over Thanksgiving break when we went dress shopping! Not only did she find the bridesmaid's dresses she had been looking at since she first got engaged, but she also found her wedding dress that day! I cannot wait to see her walk down the aisle in it.
Instead of the traditional separate bachelor and bachelorette party they decided they wanted to do a combined bachelor/bachelorette camping trip. And it was the best. thing. ever. I was there for three days, two nights. There was a lot of inappropriateness, alcohol, food, and amazing people. I seriously wish I could repeat it all over again.
So my best friend and cousin is getting married!! They got engaged in December of 2012 and their wedding will be June of 2014, so it's finally coming up soon!!
That's my beautiful cousin holding the champagne. :) This was over Thanksgiving break when we went dress shopping! Not only did she find the bridesmaid's dresses she had been looking at since she first got engaged, but she also found her wedding dress that day! I cannot wait to see her walk down the aisle in it.
Instead of the traditional separate bachelor and bachelorette party they decided they wanted to do a combined bachelor/bachelorette camping trip. And it was the best. thing. ever. I was there for three days, two nights. There was a lot of inappropriateness, alcohol, food, and amazing people. I seriously wish I could repeat it all over again.
The whole group!
Just in case you were wondering, yes...those are penis straws.
She had incredible aim and shot him right in the butt with the paintball gun. :)
Seth's beard is a result of a dare he made over two years ago. Yep...that bad boy has been a work in progress for two years! When Tricia first asked me if I would be able to come I told her I would try my best but it was kind of hard for me to get work off. Then she told me that we were going to shave Seth's beard and I knew that I HAD to be there!!
Okay but how cute are these mason jars?? Seth's best man's wife made them and bought one for each of us! On the other side it said Tricia & Seth Stag and Doe Party 2014. I'm honestly so obsessed with it! You can find these amazing glasses and much more at The Crafty Engineer's Etsy shop!
I cannot wait for June to come and for Tricia to say "I do" to Seth. And I just found out today that their wedding will be when Dillon has leave so he can come with me! Yayyyyeee!