Summer is always my favorite time to get engrossed in a good book and read my heart out. I have always loved reading, but it can be a little hard to do during the busy school year. When I decided to come to California for three and a half weeks, I was most excited about being able to catch up on reading all the books I've had sitting on my shelf.
So here are the books I managed to squeeze into my reading list this summer!
Don't worry, there are no spoilers, and I linked to the book's synopses so you're not completely bored.
Clockwork Princess
Synopsis. This book is the third (and, unfortunately, final) book in Cassandra Clare's The Infernal Devices series. It is in the same world as her series The Mortal Instruments, in which the first book is about to become a movie. Trust me, you want to pick up Clare's books. They are based in an interesting and enthralling world filled with Shadowhunters, demons, vampires, warlocks, and more. Trust me, this ain't no Twilight. This series is beautifully written and hooks you from the very beginning.
I give this book a definite 5/5! A must-read and also a book I would read over again.
Into the Wild
Synopsis. This is a non-fiction book but trust me, that doesn't mean that it's boring. I watched the movie quite a few years ago with some high school friends and absolutely loved it. When I got to California my grandma was in the middle of reading it and let me read it once she was finished. It talks mainly about Chris McCandless's journey but also adds some stories about others who chose to embrace the wild, including the author's own experience. I thought that would bother me at first, but the whole book enthralled me. Ever since seeing the movie years ago I have always wanted to live in Alaska for at least a year (but definitely not in the sole company of mother nature). That movie, plus The Proposal, hahah. But reading this book made that desire even deeper!
I give this book a 4/5! Definitely a good read, but not my usual genre and probably not one I would pick up for a second go-around.
The Maze Runner
Synopsis. This is a book in my favorite genre. A book set in a dystopian future where the government has gone ape-shit crazy and kids are forced to suffer in their wrath. I honestly can't say much about this book without giving stuff away. Here are some key words though: memory loss, kids, maze, runners, tears, monsters, death, surprise, love, determination, revenge. Woah, I bet you're just absolutely intrigued and are already running out the door to buy the book! I must admit though, this book is downright depressing. And since this is just the first of three in the series, I got absolutely no closure from it. Reading the sneak peak of the next book only made me more upset, but it definitely makes me want to go out and buy the last two of the series!
This book gets a 4.5/5! It is the type of book that pulls you in but leaves you without answers, but that just makes you want to read them all!
The Originals
Synopsis. This is again not in my favorite genre, but I loved it all the same. From reading the side flap of the book, I was expecting something quite different than what I got, but that just made it all the more interesting. The book is written from the perspective of Lizzie Best, who is the third "triplet" to Betsey and Ella Best. Even though they are three girls, they live one life. It is a very easy read; I finished it within 24 hours. It does not quite hook you in a way where you just have to read the next chapter because you're dying to find out what happens, but I found myself unable to put it down all the same. It combines romance, coming-of-age, and science all into one, and makes for an interesting and heart-warming story.
This book gets a 4/5! It was an easy and enjoyable book but not in my favorite genre and not one I would be dying to read again later.
Synopsis. And here we go, back to a dystopian future. I think I expected a lot more from this book than I got. My sister recommended it to me and she really loved it, so I was expecting something spectacular. So here's the deal: I love the story line, the characters, and the world they live in. All of that was well written. However, I feel it was a very slow and kind of boring book. Nothing really happened. You could say it was more like "real life" (however much a dystopian future based book can be) in that nothing too incredibly exciting happens.
I give this book a 3.5/5. Despite the fact that it's in the genre I like, it just didn't quite catch my attention and pull me into it as other books have.

The Mystic City
Synopsis. I wasn't expecting much from this book. While my sister gave it to me, it wasn't a book she was greatly praising, so I figured it would just be a filler book. However, I was incredibly impressed by it. I went through a lot of emotions while reading this book, which I think it a good indicator of a good book. It made me angry, sad, happy, and in love. It has a sort of Romeo and Juliette feel to it, but mixed with magic. It holds within it an intriguing world and a beautiful love story - but not one you would really expect. It has a lot of twists and turns and you will not be bored!!
I give this book a 5/5! Another great book that adds all the elements I enjoy.
Now You See Her

Okay, that's it I promise!! Just in case you didn't realize it though...I read all 8 of these books while I was in California...that's 8 books in less than three and a half weeks! It was heaven, I tell ya.