Getting in Shape...Kind Of
Oh, How Pinteresting!
Source: 25.media.tumblr.com via Haley on Pinterest
Source: longhairstyleshowto.com via Kristin on Pinterest
Source: fariasiddiqui.com via Kristin on Pinterest
Source: thispets.com via Becky on Pinterest
Source: homediypins.com via Abbie @ Lovin' Our Chaos on Pinterest
Source: shophopes.com via Katie on Pinterest
Source: sublime-decor.com via Meghan on Pinterest
Source: weheartit.com via Kristin on Pinterest
Source: imgfave.com via Becky on Pinterest

Weekend Fun
Before I talk about my super awesome Sunday, I have to share something that happened earlier in the week...it snowed!! Not very exciting for anyone who lives in a place where it snows often, but this is not a regular occurrence for Tucson, Arizona. I was on campus, in the library doing homework, and then I walked outside and just BAM! Snow! Luckily for me and Becca, our 12pm class got cancelled so we got hot chocolate from Starbucks and just sat outside enjoying the snow. It was so incredible, it snowed steadily for over an hour!
*I did add a filter to the first photo that added more snowflakes, however it is really what it looked like! And you have to admit that the snow with cacti in the background is quite amusing.
So now, Sunday - I was planning on just staying at home doing homework and relaxing when my roommate asked me if I wanted to drive up to Mt. Lemmon to play in the snow with her and my other roommate and her friend. I was a little hesitant knowing that I had so much homework, but how could I refuse playing in the snow?!? Honestly, it was the best decision ever, and way better than doing homework! It was SO much fun, and SO cold! My roommate Fel brought her super nice camera and we were able to get some awesome shots. (Below is just a few)
Missionary Love.
I'm Pinterested!

Source: shophopes.com via Emily on Pinterest
Source: myyellowsandboxblog.com via Emily on Pinterest
Source: 25.media.tumblr.com via Jamie on Pinterest
Source: wanelo.com via Emily on Pinterest
Source: debshops.com via Liliana on Pinterest
Source: gerberadesigns.com via Emily on Pinterest
Source: jossandmain.com via Mattea on Pinterest
Source: itsoverflowing.com via Bonnie & Trish on Pinterest
I hope you enjoy these as much as I do!
*Update: All my pins are back up! Leave me a comment below if the layout looks off on your computer. Otherwise, enjoy!